Lean methodology is a method to reduce waste while keeping productivity high. It started in manufacturing, especially with the Toyota Production System (TPS). Now, Lean principles are used in many fields, like software development, healthcare, and service industries.
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Core Principles of Lean:
Value: Identify what the customer values and focus on delivering it.
Value Stream: Map all steps in the process to find and remove waste.
Flow: Make sure work moves smoothly through the process without delays.
Pull: Do work based on real demand, so production is driven by customer needs.
Perfection: Keep improving processes by removing waste, improving flow, and adding value.
Types of Waste (Muda):
Lean identifies several types of waste that do not add value to the customer:
Transportation: Moving products or materials when it's not needed.
Inventory: Having too many products or materials that aren't being used.
Motion: People moving around more than they need to (e.g., walking).
Waiting: Time wasted when processes are delayed.
Overproduction: Making more than what's needed.
Over-processing: Doing extra work or using more resources than necessary.
Defects: Mistakes that need fixing.
Lean in Software Development (Lean Software Development):
Lean principles have been adapted to software development to make processes smoother, remove waste, and boost efficiency. Key concepts include:
Eliminating Waste: Cutting out unnecessary code, features, or steps in the development process.
Amplifying Learning: Promoting ongoing learning and adaptation.
Deciding as Late as Possible: Making decisions with the latest information to minimize rework.
Delivering as Fast as Possible: Quickly releasing small, functional parts of the product.
Empowering the Team: Giving teams the freedom and responsibility to make decisions.
Building Integrity In: Ensuring quality throughout the development process.
Seeing the Whole: Looking at the entire system, not just individual parts.
Lean methodology works well in places where efficiency and customer satisfaction are very important. It focuses on constant improvement, cutting waste, and truly understanding what customers value.