How to remove temporary files using Linux Scripts

How to remove temporary files using Linux Scripts

To remove temporary files using a Linux script, follow these commands:


# Specify the directory where temporary files are stored

# Remove files older than a certain number of days
find "$temp_dir" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
# This command removes files in "$temp_dir" that are older than 7 days.
# Adjust the value of "+7" to the desired number of days.

# Remove empty directories
find "$temp_dir" -type d -empty -delete
# This command removes empty directories in "$temp_dir".

# Remove specific file types
find "$temp_dir" -type f -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;
# This command removes files with the extension ".tmp" in "$temp_dir".
# Adjust "*.tmp" to match the specific file pattern you want to remove.

# Remove files matching a certain pattern
find "$temp_dir" -type f -name "prefix_*" -exec rm {} \;
# This command removes files starting with "prefix_" in "$temp_dir".
# Adjust "prefix_*" to match the desired file pattern.

# Remove files based on size
find "$temp_dir" -type f -size +1M -exec rm {} \;
# This command removes files larger than 1 megabyte in "$temp_dir".
# Adjust the value of "+1M" to the desired size.

Save the script in a file, like, and make it executable with the command chmod +x Then, run the script by typing ./ in the terminal.

Change the value of $temp_dir to the folder where your temporary files are kept. Modify the find command options to fit your needs for deleting temporary files.

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