Docker Swarm is controlled with the Docker CLI, which has different commands for doing tasks in the Swarm cluster. Here are some common Docker Swarm commands:
Initialize Swarm:
Initialize Swarm on the Manager Node:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <manager-node-ip>
This initializes a new Docker Swarm on the manager node.
Join Worker Nodes to the Swarm:
docker swarm join --token <worker-token> <manager-node-ip>:2377
Use the join token generated during swarm initialization to join worker nodes to the swarm.
Services and Stacks:
Deploy a Service:
docker stack deploy -c <compose-file> <stack-name>
Deploy a service or stack using a Docker Compose file.
Scale a Service:
docker service scale <service-name>=<replica-count>
Scale the number of replicas for a service.
List Services:
docker service ls
List all services in the swarm.
Inspect Service:
docker service inspect <service-name>
Get detailed information about a specific service.
List Nodes:
docker node ls
List all nodes in the swarm.
Inspect Node:
docker node inspect <node-id>
Get detailed information about a specific node.
Update Node Availability:
docker node update --availability drain <node-id>
Mark a node as drained (do not schedule new tasks on the node).
Create a Secret:
echo "my_secret" | docker secret create <secret-name> -
Create a secret to be used by services.
List Secrets:
docker secret ls
List all secrets in the swarm.
List Networks:
docker network ls
List all networks in the swarm.
Inspect Network:
docker network inspect <network-id>
Get detailed information about a specific network.
Stack Removal:
Remove a Stack:
docker stack rm <stack-name>
Remove a deployed stack.
Leave Swarm:
Leave Swarm (Worker Node):
docker swarm leave
Instruct a worker node to leave the swarm.
Leave Swarm (Manager Node):
docker swarm leave --force
Forcefully remove a manager node from the swarm.
These commands help you manage a Docker Swarm in a simple way. Docker Swarm has more advanced features, and you can learn about more commands and options in the official Docker Swarm documentation.